The total debt of state-run telecom companies MTNL and BSNL has increased to Rs 21,208 crore at the end of June 2014.It was Rs 12,983 crore as of March 31, 2012, Parliament was informed on Friday. For BSNL, it was Rs 3,335 crore, and MTNL — Rs 9,648 crore.“As on March 31 (2014), the total debts on the books of BSNL and MTNL are Rs 5,948 and Rs 14,210 crores respectively,” Telecom Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said in the Rajya Sabha.He said further that total debt on BSNL as the end of June stood at Rs 6,448 crore while it was Rs 14,760 crore for MTNL. Acknowledging that both BSNL and MTNL are currently in financial distress, the government said it is “quite serious” to restore the health of the two telecom services providers by adopting various measures like a whopping Rs 39,458 crore fresh investment over five years.Responding to a question on the performance of the two PSUs, the Telecom Minister said, “The Government is quite serious to improve the health of the two bodies.” He also said the government was “conscious” of the performance of the two firms which needs “substantial improvement”.He said government proposed to invest Rs 39,458 crore to bring the health of the two back over the next five years.BSNL’s market share of mobile subscriber base has dipped to 10.95 per cent, as on May 2014, from 14.87 per cent in March, 2009. During the same period, MTNL’s market share has come down to 4.83 per cent from 10.87 per cent.“The decline in landline connections and in market share of mobile subscriber base in BSNL has been sharp over the last five years whereas in MTNL, the decline in market share of mobile subscriber base over the last five years has been severe,” he said.Revenue from operations of BSNL and MTNL have dropped by 11.67 per cent and 23.87 per cent respectively over the past three years. BSNL has been incurring losses for the last five years and it touched Rs 7,085 crore in 2013-14. MTNL has been incurring losses for the last four years with losses touching Rs 5,321 crore in 2012-13.However, MTNL reported Rs 7,825 crore profit in 2013-14 mainly due to write back of provisions on account of pensionary liabilities and spectrum amortisation costs.Government has taken different measures such as waiver of Rs 1,411 crore government loan to BSNL. It has also accorded financial support to the tune of Rs 6,724.51 crore to BSNL and Rs 4,533.97 crore to MTNL on surrender of Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) spectrum, he said.
<நன்றி :- தி ஹிந்து >
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